Principal Scientist & In-Charge
Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
During my school years, as I looked under a microscope to identify the different mitotic cell division stages from an onion root tip, I was fascinated by what I saw and knew I wanted to be a researcher. As my scientific research career unfolded, I gained expertise in biological processes of DNA replication and repair, signal transduction pathways, genomics, epigenetics and chromatin remodeling. In June 2016, I joined the R.S. Mehta Jain Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Vision Research Foundation to pursue my research career in Vision Sciences
Under the supervision of Professor Alan Lehmann at University of Sussex (UK), I pursued my doctoral studies investigating the role of ubiquitinated PCNA in regulating post-replication repair mechanism in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Upon completion of DPhil in Biochemistry, I joined Professor Alison Sinclair’s group at the University of Sussex (UK), to investigate the functional interplay between the oncogenic Epstein-Barr virus & host DNA damage response pathway during viral replication. My main research objectives was to identify functional targets of a viral transcription factor, Zta using an integrated approach – genomic (ChIP-seq), transcriptomic (RNAseq) and proteomic analyses (SILAC labelling of proteins) and data obtained are now published in peer-reviewed journals.
My current research lies in adapting state-of-the art techniques in addressing key questions in ocular research with focus on
Projects as Principal Investigator
Completed Grants – 2 [Funded by DST-SERB (ECRA) and ICMR)
Ongoing Projects – 3 [Funded by DST-SERB (POWER), ICMR and ICMR-DHR)
Ongoing Fellowship – 1
Google Scholar : Check out this link
Recipient of Young Achiever’s Award as alumni of S.D.N.B Vaishnav College forWomen, India
2009 - 2013
Recipient of four year post-doctoral fellowship by The Wellcome Trust and Medical Research council to pursue research at University of Sussex, UK
Awarded the Tom Roberts Memorial Prize 2006 for the best postgraduate talk at University of Sussex, UK
2004 - 2008
Recipient of Marie Curie Research Training Network Studentship to complete DPhil inBiochemistry, University of Sussex, UK
Recipient of British Chevening Open Science Scholarship sponsored MSc in Biology(Integrative Biosciences) at University of Oxford, UK
Received Shri K.R. Sundarajan Memorial Gold Medal for securing University First Rankin B.Sc Botany from University of Madras, India
Ms. Sruthi Priya
(ICMR Senior Research Fellow)
Mr. J. Shyam Sundar
(Project Fellow – ICMR DHR)
Ms. M. Nishath Fathima
(Project Fellow - DST-SERB)
Ms. Lavanya Erudayadhas
(Project Fellow – ICMR)
Ms. Ishwarya Suresh kumar
(Project Fellow – ICMR DHR)
Ms. Sruthi Priya
Junior Research Fellow
Ms. Sruthi Priya
Junior Research Fellow
Ms. Sruthi Priya
Junior Research Fellow
Vision Research Foundation
No. 41 (old 18), College Road,
Chennai - 600 006, Tamil Nadu , India.
Ph No: +91-44-42271500,
+91-44-2827 1616,