The Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology was started in the year 1985. Active research was started in 1991 by Prof. S. Ramakrishnan and Dr. K. N. Sulochana in Ocular Biochemistry. Later Dr. K. N. Sulochana worked to develop peptides and siRNA as potential therapeutic agents for retinal angiogenesis.
In 2002, Dr. N. Angayarkanni joined as Lecturer and was Head of the department as Professor and Principal scientist until January 2022. She started her work with establishment of cell models for mechanistic studies in ocular diseases, clinical studies for biomarkers and to explore ayurvedic principles for potential therapeutic applications based on pre-clinical studies. Dr. N. Angayarkanni is currently Director – Biochemistry and Director – Laboratory Services spearheading the clinical laboratory of Medical Research Foundation from January 2022.
Dr.S.R.Bharathidevi joined as junior scientist in 2004 and has established retinal cell culture models and angiogenesis assays for retinal diseases. Now as Principal scientist, she is pursuing funded projects in relevance to trace element homeostasis in ocular diseases, role of hydrogen sulphide in inflammatory eye diseases and the potential role of antioxidant enzyme paraoxonase in mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction in ocular pathologies.
Dr. R. Sharada, Senior scientist and currently In-Charge of the department joined in 2016 and her research addresses the influence of post-transcriptional and translational modifications in ocular health and disease. Her current active grants include delineating the role of PTMs and epigenetic modifications in ocular pathology and also the effect of environmental factors, primarily UV exposure and air pollution in etio-pathogenesis of ocular diseases.
In 2005, Dr. M. Bharathselvi started her career as Junior scientist and currently as Senior scientist, she provides her technical expertise towards standardizing methods to quantify enzymes, trace elements and biochemical molecules implicated in retinal vascular pathology by atomic absorption spectroscopy and HPLC. She is also responsible towards day-to-day operations of the mass spectrometry, including protocol optimization for projects utilizing the facility.
Overall research focus of the department is on demystifying various ocular disease mechanisms, identifying intervention targets, structure-function studies of characteristic proteins, clinical proteomics, lipidomics and cell based pre-clinical studies towards drug development.
Designation |
Name & E-Mail |
In-charge |
Dr R Sharada
Principal Scientist |
Dr S R Bharathidevi
Senior Scientist |
Dr M Bharathselvi
Research Fellows: Projects |
Mr J Shyam Sundar |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Ms Ishwarya Suresh kumar |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Ms M Nishath Fathima |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Ms. Lavanya Erudayadhas |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Mr U Prakash |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Mr Sathik Shajahan |
Research Fellows: Projects |
Mr A Kishore |
PhD Scholars |
Ms Vijayavani Narayan |
PhD Scholars |
Ms S Nikhalashree |
PhD Scholars |
Ms R Ramya |
PhD Scholars |
Ms Rebecca Manohar |
PhD Scholars |
Ms Aloysius Dhivya |
ICMR Fellowship - Senior Research Fellowship |
Ms M Sruthi Priya |
Lab Attender |
Mr Pradeshkumar |
Former Heads of the Department
Dr N Angayarkanni
Former Lecturer, Prof & Head of the Department (2002- 2022)
Dr K N Sulochana
Former Prof & Head of the Department & Director of Biochemistry (1992 - 2002 & 2008 - 2014)
Dr S Ramakrishnan
Former Prof & Head of the Department (1985- 2008)
Immediate Past Research Fellows (Projects/ PhD Scholars)
Dr R N NareshKumar (PhD Scholar 2021)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, San Diego (USA)
Dr K Anand Babu (PhD Scholar 2020)
Current Position: Research Scientist, Doctor A P J Abdul Kalam Centre of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dr M G R Educational and Research Institute, Adayalampattu Campus, Chennai (INDIA)
Dr P Karthikka (PhD Scholar 2020)
Current Position: On Career break with family settled in Canada
Dr R Mani (Project Research Associate)
Current position: Scientific Officer, Department of Molecular Biology, Unipath Specialty Laboratory Limited, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (INDIA)
Ongoing Research Projects as on March 2022 : 06
SRF Fellowship - 1
Publications : 152
List of Publications : 2021 - 2022
Manohar Rebecca, Krishnamoorthy Sripriya, M.Bharathselvi. B.Shantha, Lingam Vijaya, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni. Increased Desmosine in the lens capsules is associated with augmented elastin turnover in Pseudoexfoliation syndrome. EXP EYE RES, Dec 20, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2021.108898 (International)
Ramya Ravi, Bharathidevi Subramaniam Rajesh. Paraoxonase 2 protects against the CML mediated mitochondrial dysfunction through modulating JNK pathway in Human retinal cells. BBA-General Subjects, Oct 25, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2021.130043 (International)
Vignesh Menta, Shweta Agarwal, Ujjalkumar Subhash Das, Laxmi Moksha,Gurumurthy Srividya, Amrutha M Anandan , Bhaskar Srinivasan, Geetha Iyer, Thirumurthy Velpandian, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni. Ocular surface sphingolipids associate with the refractory nature of vernal keratoconjunctivitis: newer insights in VKC pathogenesis, Br J Ophthalmol Oct 5, 2021, DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2021-319324 (International)
Wenjie Liu, Sruthi Priya Mohan, Nareshkumar Ragavachetty Nagaraj, Shyam Sundar, Jaganathan, Yi Wen, Sharada Ramasubramanyan, Joseph Irudayaraj. Epigenetic alterations associated with dexamethasone sodium phosphate through DNMT and TET in RPE cells MOLECULAR VISION, Nov 20, 2021, DOI: 27:643-655, eCollection 2021. (International)
Ramya Ravi, Anand Kumaraswamy, Preeti Chauhan, Bharathidevi Subramaniam Rajesh Exogenous administration of hydrogen sulfide alleviates homocysteine Induced inflammation in ARPE-19 cells, EXP EYE RES, Sep 6, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2021.108759. (International)
Ramya Ravi, Karunkaran Coral, Bharathi Devi Subramaniam Rajesh. RAGE silencing deters CML-AGE induced inflammation and TLR4 expression in endothelial cells. EXP EYE RES, Feb 15, 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.exer.2021.108519. (International)
List of Publications : 2020 - 2021
Lakshmi Baddireddi Subhadra, Srujana Chitipothu, Sharada Ramasubramanyan, Sripriya Srivatsan, Pukhraj Rishi, Ekta Rishi, Ronnie George, Sailaja V. Elchuri. Assessment of single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with steroid induced ocular hypertension. International journal of Ophthalmology, Aug 2020, DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2020.08.17 (International)
Daleena Dalan, Prakash Nandini, Narayanswamy Angayarkanni, Kuppan Kaviarasan, Sadagopan Thanikachalam, Undurti N Das, Dhanashree Ratra. Interchangeability of Retinal perfusion indices in different-sized angiocubes: An optical coherence tomography angiography study in diabetic retinopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol, Mar 2020, DOI: 10.4103 /ijo.IJO_783_19. (National)
Sivashanmugam Muthukumaran, K N Sulochana, Vetrivel Umashankar. Structure based design of inhibitory peptides targeting ornithine decarboxylase dimeric interface and in vitro validation in human retinoblastoma Y79 cells. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (JBSD) Jun 27, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1785331. (International)
Arun John, Umashankar Vetrivel, Muthukumaran Sivashanmugam, Sulochana Konerirajapuram Natarajan. Microsecond Simulation of the Proteoglycan-like Region of Carbonic Anhydrase IX and Design of Chemical Inhibitors Targeting pH Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. ACS OMEGA, Feb 20, 2020, DOI:10.1021/acsomega. 9b04203. (International)
Dhanashree Ratra, Rajesh Nagarajan, Daleena Dalan, Nandini Prakash, Kaviarasan Kuppan, Sadagopan Thanikachalam, Undurti Das, Angayarkanni Narayansamy. Early structural and functional neurovascular changes in the retina in the prediabetic stage. Eye (Lond), May 28,2020,DOI: 10.1038/s41433-020-0984-z.(International)
M Aloysius Dhivya, S Aberami, S Nikhala Shree, J Biswas, Wenjie Liu, Joseph Irudayaraj, K N Sulochana, Coral Karunakaran, S R Bharathi Devi. Copper mediates mitochondrial biogenesis in Retinal pigment epithelial cells. BBA- Molecular Basis of Disease (ELS), May 23, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2020.165843 (International)
Ramalingam Mani, P. S. Shobha, Saravanan Thilagavathi, Padmanabhan Prema, Natarajan Viswanathan, Ratra Vineet, Ratra Dhanashree, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni. Altered mucins and aquaporins indicate dry eye outcome in patients undergoing Vitreoretinal surgery. PLOS ONE - May 6, 2020. DOI:10.1371/journal. pone.0233517. (International)
Ramya Ravi, Nareshkumar Ragavachetty Nagaraj, Bharathi Devi Subramaniam Rajesh. Effect of advanced glycation end product on paraoxonase 2 expression: Its impact on endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation in HUVECs. Elesvier, Jan-2020. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117397 (International)
List of Publications : 2019 - 2020
Subramaniam Rajesh Bharathi Devi, Karunakaran Coral, Karthikeyan Gayathree, Muthuvel Bharathselvi, Shanmuganathan Sivasankar Jyotirmoy Biswas, Pukhraj Rishi, Sundaram Natarajan, Sengamedu Srinivasa Badrinath, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni. Case report on two diabetic donor eyes with no retinopathy: Clinicopathological and molecular studies. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, DOI: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_400_19. (National)
Sampath Nikhalashree, Ronnie George, Balekudaru Shantha, Vijaya Lingam,Wadke Vidya, Manish Panday, Konerirajapuram Natarajan Sulochana & Karunakaran Coral. Detection of Proteins Associated with Extracellular Matrix Regulation in the Aqueous Humour of Patients with Primary Glaucoma. Current Eye Research, DOI: 10.1080 / 02713683.2019.1608261. (International)
Arun John, Muthukumaran Sivashanmugam, Sulochana Konerirajapuram Natarajan, Vetrivel Umashankar. Computational modeling of novel inhibitory peptides targeting proteoglycan like region of carbonic anhydrase IX and in vitro validation in HeLa cells. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (JBSD). May 30, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1623075. (International)
NikhalaShree S, Karthikkeyan G, George R, Coral K et al. Lowered Decorin With Aberrant Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in Aqueous Humor and Tenon's Tissue From Primary Glaucoma Patients. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019;60(14):4661–4669. DOI:10.1167/iovs.19-27091. (International)
Aberami S, Nikhalashree S, Bharathselvi M, Biswas J, Sulochana KN, Coral K. Elemental concentrations in Choroid-RPE and retina of human eyes with age-related macular degeneration. Exp Eye Res. 2019;186:107718. DOI:10.1016/j.exer. 2019.107718 (International)
Vijay Raja, Soniya Charles, Mohankumar Ramasamy, Luxitaa Goenkad,M.Kamatchi,Melvin George, Jesu Arockiaraj, VE Dhandapani, Angayarkanni Narayanasamy, Kanchana Mala. Cell cycle arrest in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: A non-invasive method for diagnosis of coronary artery disease Elesvier, May 2019. DOI:10.1016/j.procbio.2019.05.027 (International)
Kuppan K,Mohanlal J, Mohammad AM, Babu KA, Sen P,Undurti ND, Natarajan V, Narayanasamy A. Elevated Serum OxLDL is associated with progression of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus To Diabetic Retinopathy. Exp Eye Res. Sep-2019. DOI:10.1016/j.exer. 2019.05.008 (International)
Karthikka Palanisamy, Coral Karunakaran, Rajiv Raman and Subbulakshmi Chidambaram. Optimization of an in vitro bilayer model for studying the functional interplay between human primary retinal pigment epithelial and choroidal endothelial cells isolated from donor eyes. BMC Res Notes (May 2019). DOI/10.1186/s13104-019-4333-x. (International)
Kannadasan AnandBabu, Parveen Sen, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni. Oxidized LDL, homocysteine, homocysteine thiolactone and advanced glycation end products act as pro-oxidant metabolites inducing cytokine release, macrophage infiltration and pro-angiogenic effect in ARPE-19 cells. PLOS ONE - May 14, 2019
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0216899 (International)
Gurumurthy Srividya, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni, Geetha Iyer,Bhaskar Srinivasan, Shweta Agarwal. Altered retinoid metabolism gene expression in chronic Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol 2019, DOI:10.1136/bjophthalmol- 2018-312849 (International)
Vidhya Srinivasan, Selvi Radhakrishnan, Narayanasamy Angayarkanni & K.N. Sulochana. Antidiabetic effect of free amino acids supplementation in human visceral adipocytes through adiponectin-dependent mechanism. Indian J Med Res 149, January 2019, pp 41-46 DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_1782_16. (National)
Renganathan Bhuvanasundar, Nareshkumar Nagaraj Ragavachetty, Naveen Kumar Singh, Kurunakaran Coral, Perinkulam Ravi Deepa & Konerirajapuram Natarajan Sulochana. Expression, purification and characterization of a biologically active and thermally stable human lysyl oxidase. IJBB. DOI: Vol.56, April 2019,pp,105-116. (National)
Nareshkumar RN, Gayathree K, Dhanashree Ratra, Coral.K. Effect of brilliant Blue-G on cellular stress response in retinal pigment epithelial cells: In vitro. Exp Eye Res. 2019 Feb 1;181:157-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2019.01.021. (International)
KarthikkaPalanisamy, RajivRaman, Konerirajapuram, NatarajanSulochana, Subbulakshmi Chidambaram. Adiponectin: A potential candidate for treating fibrosis in posterior segment of the eye. Medical Hypotheses 123 (2019) 9–12. (International)
Palanisamy K, Nareshkumar RN, Sivagurunathan S, Raman R, Sulochana KN, Chidambaram S. Anti-angiogenic effect of adiponectin in human primary microvascular and macrovascularendothelial cells. Microvascular Research 2018, DOI:10.1016/j.mvr.2018.08.002 (International)
List of Publications : 2018 - 2019
G Srividya. M Jain, K Mahalakshmi, S Gayathri, R Raman and N Angayarkanni. A novel and less invasive technique to assess cytokine profile of vitreous in patients of diabetic macular oedema. Eye (Jan’2018). 1-10. DOI: 10.1038/eye.2017.285. PMID: 29303154 (International)
Rebecca M, Gayathri R, Bhuvanasundar R, Sripriya K, Shantha B, Angayarkanni N. Elastin modulation and modification by homocysteine: a keyfactor in the pathogenesis of Pseudoexfoliation syndrome?. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep 24. DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312088. (International)
Sivagurunathan S, Raman R, Chidambaram S. PIWI-like protein, HIWI2: A novel player in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Experimental Eye Research. 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.exer.2018.08.018, (International)
Muthukumaran S, Bhuvanasundar R, Umashankar V, Sulochana KN.Insights on ornithine decarboxylase silencing as a potential strategy for targeting retinoblastoma. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2018 DOI:10.1016/j.biopha.2017.12.030 (International)
Shanmuganathan S, Angayarkanni N. Chebulagic acid and Chebulinic acid inhibit TGF-β1 induced fibrotic changes in the chorio-retinal endothelial cells by inhibiting ERK phosphorylation. Microvasc Res.2018 Sep 4;121:14-23.DOI:10.1016/ j.mvr. 2018.09.001. (International)
Geetha Iyer, Shweta Agarwal, Bhaskar Srinivasan, Angayarkanni Narayanasamy. Isolation of acid from eye drop bottles being used by patients presenting with presumed scleritis. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2018 Aug;66(8):1084-1087. DOI: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_82_18. (National)
Nareshkumar RN, Sulochana KN, Coral K. Inhibition of angiogenesis in endothelial cells by human lysyloxidase propeptide. Scientific Reports. 2018 Jul 11. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28745-8. (International)
S Shanmuganathan, N Angayarkanni. Chebulagic acid Chebulinic acid and Gallic acid, the active principles of Triphala, inhibit TNFα induced pro-angiogenic and pro-inflammatory activities in retinal capillary endothelial cells by inhibiting p38, ERK and NFkB. Vascul Pharmacol. 2018 Apr DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2018.04.005. (International)
S Vidya, R Ramya, K Coral, K N Sulochana, S R Bharathi Devi. Free amino acids hydroxyproline, lysine, and glycine promote differentiation of retinal pericytes to adipocytes: A protective role against proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Exp Eye Res 2018 May. DOI: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.05.004. (International)
Gayathree K, Nareshkumar RN, Aberami S, Sulochana KN, Srinivasan V & Coral K Hyperglycemia induced early growth response-1 regulates vascular dysfunction in human retinal endothelial cells. Microvasc Res 2018 Jan 4;117:37-43. DOI:10.1016/ j.mvr. 2018.01.002. PMID: 29307595 (International)
Books : 13
Books Published
Ramakrishnan S, Angayarkanni N. Basics in Biochemistry for Professional Nursing. BI Publications Pvt Ltd. 2007.
Ramakrishnan S., Rajiswami. Textbook of Medical Biochemistry under the aegis of National Book Trust, Government of India through M/S Orient Longman Ltd., Chennai. 3 ed:2002
Ramakrishnan S. Tamil book - Textbook of Medical Biochemistry; Tanjavur University, Tanjavur, ed: 2002
Ramakrishnan S. Biochemistry-Students manual-T.R Publications, Chennai.1994.
Ramakrishnan S. Text Book of Clinical (Medical) Biochemistry and Immunology, T.R publications, Chennai. 1995.
Ramakrishnan S., S. V. Rao Nutritional Biochemistry T.R Publications, Chennai. 1995
Ramakrishnan S. Essentials of Biochemistry for students of Dentistry Nursing Pharmacy Opthalmology and Ocular Biochemistry, Annamalai University, 1992.
Ramakrishnan S. Multiple choice questions in Biochemistry T.R Publications, Chennai.
Ramakrishnan S. Practical Biochemistry for Medical students through M/S Orient Longman, Calcutta.
Organic Chemistry and Biophysics for Medical Students (M/S Nagiah Chetty, Madras)
Topics in Biochemistry, for B.D.S. and B.Sc. Nursing, Annamalai University.
Lessons in Biochemistry for M.Sc. Zoology, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University.
Medical Laboratory Technology, Vol.III Ed. K.L. Mukhergee Maryland, U.S.A. "Biochemical Test Profile" pp.1080-1092.
Book Chapters : 06
Angayarkanni N, K.Coral, SR. Bharathidevi, A chapter on “Toxicology,” in Dr. Santhanam’S Text book of occupational optometry , First Edition, SN, 2015 pp 219-39.
Angayarkanni N, K.Coral, SR. Bharathidevi , Ocular biochemistry chapter in “Pharmacology of Ocular Therapeutics”e, Springer Publications , 2015
Saravanan R and Sulochana KN. Oxidative Stress in Eales Disease. An Update. Chapter in the book published by NOVA “ oxidative stress in Diseases” 2014
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN. Manual of Medical Laboratory Techniques” Chapter in clinical Biochemistry from Jaypee brothers, (Laboratory Book) 2012.
Sulochana KN, Coral K. Extra cellular matrix protein, Lysyl oxidase, as a therapeutic target for ocular angiogenesis” In: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Vol.1(Chapter 15) Editor: Leon V. Berhardt. 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Ramakrishnan S, Rajesh M, Sulochan KN. A Novel 88 kDa acute phase protein in inflammation and its antioxidant fraction. Focus on Eye Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY. 2005
Insight Articles (in house journal) : 33
VN. Sumantran, Cytotoxicity assays: Answers to some FAQ’s. Insight 2008.
Barathi S, Angayarkanni N. Establishment of primary cultures of bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes for in vitro studies. Insight 2007;XXV(3):54-7.
Nishanthi M, Coral K, Angayarkanni N, Ramakrishnan S. Estimation of Taurine and its relevance in retina. Insight 2007;XXV(1):6-9.
Angayarkanni N. Patch Clamping: A valuable tool to study Electrophysiology of cells Insight 2006;XXIV(1):7-13-16.
Angayarkanni N, Saijyothi AV, Coral K, Punitham R, Krishnakumar K, Madhava Rao, Ramakrishnan. Dried blood spot (DBS) for vitamin A analysis – a field friendly method. Insight 2005;XXIII(1):20-24.
Ramakrishnan S. Sodium Potassium ATPase. Insight 2005;XXIII(1):7-13.
S. Barathi, N. Angayarkanni, K. Coral, S. Ramakrishnan. Variation of oxidants and antioxidants with gender and age. Insight 2004;XXII(2)49-53.
Ramakrishnan S, Vasanthi SB, Punitham R, Coral K, Rajini KP, Sen PR, Angayarkanni N. Hyperlipemia and Lipaemia Retinalis-a case report. Insight 2004;XXII(2)58-59.
Coral K, Sulochana KN, Arvind K, Sharma T, Madhava Rao, Arun NS, Ramakrishnan S. Involvement of basic fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor 1 and Interleukin - 1 in retinal diseases. Insight 2004; XXII(3): 88-93.
Angayarkanni N, R. Selvi, S. Ramakrishnan, Measurement of Total antioxidant capacity in Eales’ disease, uveitis and cataract. Insight 2004; XXII(1): 11-16
Angayarkanni N, R. Punitham, S. Ramakrishnan, Manisha Agarwal. Central retinal vein occlusion and homocysteinemia Insight 2004; XXII(1): 17-24.
Nitin S. Shetty, K.N. Sulochana, S. Lakshmi. Macular changes associated with hyper histidinemia. Insight XX (2): 23-26;2002.
S. Ramakrishnan, K.N. Sulochana, R. Punitham. Whether Retinitis pigmentosa could be due to defective metabolism of Transthyretin. Insight XX (1): 24-27;2002.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN, Biswas J, Punitham R, Tamilselvi R, Vasanthi SB. Serum Calcium, phosphorus, total proteins, albumin globulin ratio, angiotensin converting enzyme and lysozyme in cases of presumed and confirmed ocular sarcoidosis treated at Sankara Nethralaya - An evaluation of the results. Insight XIX (1):30-32;2001.
Lakshmi S, Srinivasan V, Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S. Analysis of free and protein amino acids in germinating seedlings of soybean by HPLC. Insight XIX (1): 33-38;2001.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN, Punitham R, Vasanthi SB. Yeast- a Valuable tool for differential diagnosis of glycosuria and galactosuira. Insight XVIII (3):85-87;2000.
Sulochana KN, Vasanthi SB, Lakshmi S, Tamilselvi R, Ramakrishnan S. Association of Homocystinuria with congenital/Developmental Cataract, Probable Mechanism, Acquired Homocystinuria and desirable therapeutic approach.Insight 2000;XVIII(2):27-31.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN. Antioxidant Vitamins E, C and A. Insight XVII(3):59;1999.
Umamaheswari K, Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S. Occurrence of an 88 kDa protein in Non-infective Intraocular Inflammation. Insight XVII (2):29-31;1999.
Sulochana KN, Umamaheswari K, Sripriya S, Priya K, Punitham R, Biswas J, Ramakrishnan S. Eales' disease and reduction of antioxidant vitamins; need for vitamins E and C Therapy. Insight XVII (1):11-14;1999.
Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Punitham R, Biju Joseph. Increased level of Blood Cadmium and Decreased Erthrocyte superoxide dismutase activity in chronic tobacco chewers. Insight XVI (2):39-41;1998.
K.N. Sulochana, K. Chandrasekaran, R. Punitham, S. Madhusudan, S. Ramakrishnan. Beneficial effect of lysine and amino acids of astymin-forte on cataractogenesis through possible antiglycation of lens proteins in experimental diabetes with streptozotocin. Insight XV(3):67-72;1998.
Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Lakshmi M, Bhooma V, Punitham R. Clinical and Biochemical Heterogeneity in Gyrate Atrophy of the choroid and Retina and Possible Role of Polyamines. Insight XV (2):41-47;1997.
Vasanthi SB, Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN, Tamilselvi R, Patricia Dias, Punitham R, Arunagiri K. Significant observations in clinical laboratory. Insight XIV (2):48-49;1996.
Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Arunagiri K, Bhooma V, Punitham R, Vasanthi SB, Ganesh SK. Hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, accumulation of calcium in the lens and developmental cataract. Insight XIV (2):50-52;1996.
Ramakrishnan S, Deepa GR, Sulochana KN, Punitham R, Arunagiri K. Two new functions of Inositol - antioxidation and antiglycation. Insight XIII, (3):62-69;1995.
Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Punitham R. Biochemistry and physiology of trans-thyretin(prealbumin)and Diagnostic value of vitreous transthyretin. Insight VI,3-12;1995.
Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Vasanthi SB, Arunagiri K, Lakshmi M. Congenital cataract in deranged proteoglycan metabolism with released xylose-molecular basis. Insight XII, 2:36-42;1994.
Ramakrishnan S, Vasanthi SB, Clinical Laboratory assay kits their qualifications and disqualifications. Insight XII (2):57-58, 1994.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN, Ravishankar K, Kar B, Vasanthi SB. Co-occurrence of galactosemia and lactosuria in the same individual and probable pregnancy-magnified galactosemia. Insight XI (3):73-75;1993.
Ramya, Sulochana KN, Ramakrishnan S, Vaithilingam E. Economical specific gravity kit to sort out contact lenses on the basis of DK values. Insight XI (2):28-29;1993.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN. Two spraying reagents for bound sugars resolved by paper and thin layer chromatography. Insight XI (2):30-31;1993.
Ramakrishnan S, Sulochana KN, Deepa R, Abraham M, Vasanthi SB. Conventional and strip methods of sugar analysis in quick diagnosis. Insight X (3): 28-31; 1992.
BC Roy Award : Prof S Ramakrishnan and Prof KN Sulochana : "Amino acids are anti-gycating , anti-cataract and anti-diabetic"
ICMR Overseas Fellowship for Bio-Medical Scientists : Prof N Angayarkanni ( Establish Animal model of Diabetic retinopathy : Univ of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA)
Best Institutional Researchers Award (SwarnalathaPunshi Award) : 11
Society of Biological Chemists SBC(India) Awards : 10
ARVO (Internal) Travel Fellowhip : 8
IERG (National) Travel Fellowhip : 11
Patent: 3
Amino Acid Compositions for the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
A method of identifying an amino acid that enhances the production of nitric oxide
Inhibition of angiogenesis
Awards from Indian Eye Research Meeting
Ms Ishwarya Suresh Kumar
Year - 2021 (Poster)
Ms M Nishath Fathima
Year - 2021 (Quiz)
Ms Ishwarya Suresh Kumar
Year - 2021 (Quiz)
Ms Ramya
Year - 2019 (Oral)
Dr Mani Ramalingam
Year - 2018 (Poster)
Mr C SanketDhirubhai
Year - 2013 (Oral)
Mr S Sivasankar
Year - 2013 (Oral)
Dr K Anand Babu
Year - 2013 (Poster)
Dr C Subbulakshmi
Year - 2013 (Poster)
Ms S R Bharathi Devi
Year - 2009 (Best Poster in the Session And Best Overall Poster)
Awards from the Society of Biological Chemists of India (SBCI)
Mr R N Nareshkumar
Year - 2017
Mr S Sivashankar
Year - 2016
Ms Ramya
Year - 2016
Dr C Subbulakshmi
Year - 2012
Dr K Anand Babu
Year - 2012
Dr K Coral
Year - 2013
Mr JagaVeerapandian
Year - 2011
Ms Vidhya
Year - 2010
Dr S R Barathi Devi
Year - 2009
Dr M Rajesh
Year - 1999 & 2002
Awards from SwarnalathaPunshi Award for the best researcher in VRF
Ms Ramya
Year - 2020
Ms Nikhala Shree
Year - 2019
Ms P Karthikka
Year - 2018
Mr R N Naresh Kumar
Year - 2017
Ms S Suganya
Year - 2016
Dr N Angayarkanni
Year - 2011
Ms R Selvi
Year - 2012
Dr K Coral
Year - 2010
Ms S R Bharathi Devi
Year - 2009
Prof S Ramakrishnan
Year - 1998
Dr K N Sulochana
Year - 1996
Awards from other conferences
Ms Ishwarya Suresh Kumar
(Best Oral Presentation – Young Scientist Award)
72nd Indian Association of Occupational Health
Ms Nikhala Shree
(Best Poster Award)
Conference - International Congress of Cell Biology
Year - 2018
Mr R N Naresh Kumar
(Young Scientist Award)
International Conference in Angiogenesis
Technology & Therapeutics
Year - 2015
Ms K Gayathree
Best Poster Award
International Conference in Angiogenesis
Technology & Therapeutics
Year - 2015
Ms RebeccaManohar
Best Presenter Award
National Conference on inter-discipilanary Research and Innovation in Biosciences
NATCON – 2018
Other Awards
Prof S Ramakrishnan
B.C.Roy Award Medical Council of India
Year - 1996
Dr K N Sulochana
B.C.Roy Award Medical Council of India
ARVO travel Grant (ICMR)
Year - 1996
Dr N Angayarkanni
(Best Teacher Award)
International Association of Lions club – 2015
ICMR overseas fellowship for
Biomedical scientist 2010
ARVO travel grant 2013 (DBT)
Dr A V Sai Jyothi
(Best OutgoingPhD –Award)
Prof S Krishnamoorthy Rao Memorial Award
Year - 2014
Academics (March 2022)
Dissertation based Internships : 108
BITS students Dissertation projects : 53
Hands on training in Techniques Yearly : 98
Observers/Trainees: yearly: 8 (2021)
Completed PhD: 16
BITS:, Pilani : 9
TN MGR Univ : 2
SASTRA Univ : 5
On going
SASTRA Univ : 4
TN MGR Univ : 2
PhD Awarded
S.No |
Name of Ph.D Awardees |
Year / Univ |
Supervisor & Guide / Funding |
1 |

Dr M Rajesh
2003 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr S Ramakrishnan / VRF |
2 |

Dr K Coral
2009 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr N Angayarkanni / DBT project |
3 |

Dr S R Barathi Devi
2011 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr N Angayarkanni / ICMR |
4 |

Dr R Selvi
2013 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr N Angayarkanni / DST and CSIR |
5 |

Dr A V Saijothi
2014 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr N Angayarkanni / DBT |
6 |

Dr Iyer Gomathy Narayanan
2015 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr K N Sulochana / DST |
7 |

Dr M Bharath Selvi
2016 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr K N Sulochana / ICMR |
8 |

Dr R Bhuvanasundar
2016 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr K N Sulochana / ICMR |
9 |

Dr S Vidhya
2016 / BITS , PILANI |
Dr K N Sulochana / ICMR |
10 |

Dr M Arun
2016 / TN MGR Medical Univ Chennai |
Dr K N Sulochana / DBT |
11 |

Dr R Saravanan
2017 / TN MGR Medical Univ Chennai |
Dr K N Sulochana / DST |
12 |

Dr S Sivasankar
2018 / SASTRA University,Thanjavur |
Dr N Angayarkanni / CSIR |
13 |

Dr S Suganya
2018 / SASTRA University,Thanjavur |
Dr Subbulakshmi / DBT |
14 |

Dr K Anand Babu
2018 / SASTRA University,Thanjavur |
Dr N Angayarkanni / DBT |
15 |

Dr P Karthikka
2018 / SASTRA University,Thanjavur |
Dr Subbulakshmi / DST |
16 |

Dr R N Naresh kumar
2018 / SASTRA University,Thanjavur |
Dr K Coral Mariam / DST |
S.No |
1 |
Mass Spectrometry Facility waters Xevo-G2 |
1 |
2 |
HP/Shimadzu-HPLC |
2 |
3 |
Perkin Elmer Atomic absorption Atomic absorption Spectroscopy |
1 |
4 |
Beckman DU-800 spectrophotometer |
1 |
5 |
Biorad GS 800 Densitometer |
1 |
6 |
Multimode plate Reader spectra max (Phtometry/Flourimetry) |
1 |
7 |
Fluorchem FC3/gel documentation |
1 |
8 |
Transilluminator |
1 |
9 |
Elelctrophoresis apparatus: Biorad |
2 |
10 |
2D Electrophoresis system:IERF cell (Biorad) |
1 |
11 |
Electorphoresis power pack-300 (Biorad) |
2 |
12 |
Mini transblot-transfer cell (Applied Biosystem) |
1 |
13 |
Electroporatoation system |
2 |
14 |
Transblot (Hoefer) and Qubit 2.0 (Invitrogen) |
1 + 1 |
S.No |
1 |
BeckmanLiquid Scintillation System 220 V |
1 |
S.No |
1 |
Laminar flow hood |
2 |
2 |
CO 2 Incubator |
2 |
3 |
Eppendorf/Applied biosystem PCR machine |
3 |
4 |
Nikon Inverted Microscope |
1 |
5 |
Eppendorf Cooling centrifuge |
1 |
6 |
Eppendorf Microfuge centrifuge |
1 |
7 |
Vacusafe |
1 |
8 |
Centrifuge : Tabel top |
1 |
9 |
Water bath 37° C |
1 |
10 |
OrbitalShaker |
1 |
11 |
Cryocans |
2 |
S.No |
1 |
pH meter |
1 |
2 |
Lyophilizervacum pump |
1 |
3 |
Sonicator |
1 |
4 |
Thermo mixer C |
1 |
5 |
Autoclave |
1 |
6 |
Cyclomixer |
1 |
7 |
Magnetic stirrer and hot plate |
1 |
8 |
Fume hood |
1 |
9 |
Laminar flow hood |
1 |
10 |
Stirrer - Magnetic |
1 |
11 |
Microwave oven |
1 |
12 |
Oven - Hot air |
1 |
S.No |
1 |
Deep freezers -20ºC & -80ºC |
5 +2 |
2 |
Refrigerator |
5 |
RS Mehta Jain Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Vision Research Foundation,
41, College Road, Nungambakkam,
Chennai - 600 006.
Phone: +91-44-42271807, +91-44-42271500, (Extn: 1304)
Email: /